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J&K HIM Cattery is a CFA registered Cattery founded by two big boys in October 2015. We also registered in TICA in 2019. It is the Cattery aimed to breed the excellent Himalayans. The name ‘J’ and ‘K’ is from the English name of two founders: Joseph and Keith. HIM represents male and also the breeding cat category: Himalayan. 
We known that Flat Face Cat may easily get PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) disease by inherited. So our breed cats were tested ensuring that our pedigree is PKD negative. 

J&K HIM Cattery由兩位愛貓的大男孩Joseph和Keith所成立的貓舍。J&K HIM Cattery於2015年10月在CFA登記成立,並於2019年在TICA登記成為雙註冊血統貓貓舍。我們專門繁殖喜瑪拉雅貓。貓舍的名字包括了兩位創辦人英文名的首個字母"J"和"K",而HIM除了代表主理人是男性,亦代表了他們致力繁殖的貓種:Himalayans喜瑪拉雅貓。


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